Tuesday Takes: Trompe l’oeil – Montpellier France
Trompe l’oeil, the finest example we’ve ever been privileged to see was in Montpellier, France. We were never meant to stay in Montpellier, but it proved to be a best of the best experience.
Montpelier, France
You know what they say about the best laid plans. Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. Add in Murphy’s Law and that is exactly how we landed in Montpellier. Montpellier was supposed to be just a stop over to switch trains on our way from Lyon to Seville. Instead, we spent four beautifully relaxing days in Montpellier and lucky us, we experienced the best example of Trompe l’oeil. We weren’t even looking for it, we just turned a corner while on one of our rambles and there it was.
Trompe l’oeil
Trompe l’oeil, to put it succinctly, is a style of art in which the painting or mural is an optical illusion. To look at the painting or mural one sees it as three dimensional. It tricks the eye in to a forced perspective created by the artist. It’s really quite fascinating.
When we turned the corner and came across an entire building (maybe two) painted in this style, it took our breath away. Actually, from a distance, we both did a double take not quite sure of what we were looking at.

Look closely at the details. The open door to the book store where you can see the books on the shelf. The woman peeking out from behind the drapes, as well as the man on the balcony with his palette, and his painting just inside the door. It was incredibly impressive and all kinds of fabulous!

Now, scroll back up to the large photo in which the building is at a distance, and see if you can find these details. It’s really something, isn’t it?
In this case we found ourselves giving a big shout out to old Mr. Murphy and his law. Had it not been for him we would have missed so much. Montpellier is one of our favorite travel memories, and it’s where we enjoyed one of our best ever meals. Maybe one day we’ll take a second look at Lyon, but not sure we want to jinx it!
- Tuesday Takes. Each post in the series focuses on one or two plus photos, or possibly a video, from our travels, as well as the background story behind the photo(s). Tuesday Takes are shared in random order with no rhyme or reason as to why.

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