
Your Bear Market Survival Guide for 2022

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We’re in bear territory… so strap on your rabbit fur hat and load your side-by-side. In this week’s State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld is sharing his bear market survival guide.

Because the last thing you want to do is succumb to your basic, primal instinct to panic – in other words, blindly withdraw all your money and start stuffing it under your mattress.

Marc is here to let you know that the markets – paired with enough time and grounded decision making – are ever on your side.

In fact, if you keep a straight head, today’s passing bear will someday feel like a passing blip in hindsight. Despite the bear, the markets are still moneymaking machines.

Now is NOT the time to panic.

So don’t wait – click here to overcome the impending bear in this week’s State of the Market!

Good investing,


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