
Smart Long-Term Investors Have a Game Plan

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In this week’s episode of State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld explains how smart investors can make reliable long-term investment plans.

Because even though short-term traders are subject to a world of market unpredictability…

Long-term investors have decades of market patterns and analysis to rely on. This data can inform investments and assumptions on what their long-term results will be.

Furthermore, long-term investors can relax.

Come rain or shine, war or peace…

The broad market delivers a decent average annual yield over the long term. And in this week’s episode, Marc shares market statistics and his personal experience to prove it.

Marc isn’t kidding. While the broad market’s long-term average annual gain is roughly 8% over the long term, you could do much better.

That’s why Marc is giving away some of his safest, highest-yielding dividend payers FOR FREE.

You heard us right – 100% FREE!

Click here to access Marc’s Ultimate Dividend Package.

In fact, as Marc says today, “You have to have terrible timing to not make money in the market.”

See for yourself.

Watch this week’s episode of State of the Market above.

Good investing,


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