Open Thread: Fashions to bring back in style
My suffering is over, at last. Well, sorta. High waisted jeans are back in style. I wish they had never left.
High waisted jeans! How I’ve missed you! For years, I suffered through the boyfriend jean, the skinny jean, leggings, jeggings, and worse. Even at my very thinnest, all those jeans made me look, well, dumpy. I can’t help it if my waist is wandering up somewhere nearer my armpits than my hipbones. It’s the price for having long legs. Welcome back!
Now that my jeans dilemma is settled (for the moment), how about bringing back:
Shoulder pads. They can’t be beat for balancing out a pear-shaped silhouette or making a waist look trimmer. With them, most women can pass for Lauren Bacall in To Have and Have Not. Sort of.
Hats. Easter is coming. I used to be able to pick up a nice little chapeau and make my rent in the same month. That was back when every respectable department store had a worthy hat department – Bloomingdale’s, Bonwits, Bendels, B. Altman (the city’s best hat department, and oh! the gloves!); each spring the stores’ hat racks sprouted gorgeous hats like flowers. Now I can’t find a nice little pillbox or a big brim sunhat without going online or paying a fortune.
I could go on and on – but how about you? What fashion do you wish would come back? Let us know in the comments!
Virge Randall is Senior Planet’s Managing Editor. She is also a freelance culture reporter who seeks out hidden gems and unsung (or undersung) treasures for Straus Newspapers; her blog “Don’t Get Me Started” puts a quirky new spin on Old School New York City. Send Open Thread suggestions to
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