Fundamental Analysis vs. Technical Analysis: Learn to See the Full Picture
When you’re deciding whether to buy or sell a stock, do you look at the fundamentals or the technicals?
A fundamental analyst would say that the best way to evaluate a stock is to dig into its financials and its business. In their view, a stock is a winner if the underlying company is consistently innovating, generating cash and providing value to its shareholders.
Technical analysts prefer to evaluate a stock based on its charts. In their view, a stock is a winner if its share price and trading volume display specific patterns and trends that have been proven to lead to significant moves.
So… which one is better?
Earlier this year, at The Oxford Club’s 25th Annual Investment U Conference in beautiful Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld gave a detailed breakdown of the strengths of each approach… and how he uses both approaches to form a comprehensive view of a stock.
You can check out that presentation by clicking the play button at the top of this article.
And you can go here to learn how to get more exclusive insights from Marc (and nearly two dozen other top-rated investment minds) at next year’s Investment U Conference, which will be held at the enchanting, five-star Ojai Valley Inn & Spa in Ojai, California.
If you’re an Oxford Club Chairman’s Circle Member and you’re interested in attending, go here.
But don’t worry… Even if you can’t attend in person, you can join us from the comfort of your home via livestream.
The early-bird discount expires soon – so register today!
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