
The Case for Energy Stocks in 2024

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State of the Market video on YouTube

Those of you who’ve had the chance to meet Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld know he has a TON of energy.

In addition to giving you his market and dividend insights in Wealthy Retirement and providing stock, option and bond recommendations to his VIP subscribers, Marc runs and works out regularly, sings in a band, and somehow still finds time to maintain an active social life.

But not only does Marc have a lot of energy… he’s also bullish on energy.

In this week’s episode of State of the Market, Marc goes over all the reasons he thinks oil and the rest of the energy sector will have a big year in 2024.

He also explains how you can determine whether your dividends are in danger of getting cut. (Don’t worry, it’s simple math!)

Click the image above to watch!

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