
Best Books for Investing

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Best Books for Investing video on YouTube

In this week’s State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld takes on his most daunting subject yet…

“Florida Man.”

Now a meme thanks to Florida’s policy of keeping transparent public records, “Florida Man” refers to anybody who’s been arrested for the unthinkable…

Like taking a ride on a manatee… hoarding a dozen stolen zoo animals in an apartment… or abusing the 911 phone line to get ahold of vodka (all real headlines).

But this time, “Florida Man” has done something RATIONAL and INTELLIGENT.

More precisely, the Florida men (and women) who run the state’s legislature have mandated that high school students now must pass a financial literacy class in order to graduate.

And according to the grim stats Marc shares this week, this new ordinance couldn’t have come sooner. Financial stress is rampant. And it tears American families apart.

Furthermore, Marc points out that public education on financial literacy isn’t enough. At-home education in financial literacy is far more impactful.

That’s why Marc has dedicated this week’s episode to recommending a backlog of reading materials and a board game and giving some other advice to help set both you and your kids up with the financial literacy you need to build your financial freedom.

Because wealth building works best if consecutive generations allow the compounding process to work unhindered – especially when investing in dividend stocks.

Click here to see why in this week’s State of the Market.

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