
Top 3 Fastest-Growing Dividends

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In this week’s State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld clues you in on three of the fastest-growing dividends of today.

Because our portfolios should always thrive…

Even when inflation is sky-high and the stock market has taken a beating year to date.

Chart: Dow Jones Industrial Average Year to Date
These three dividend-paying stocks have held steady or have even gone UP so far in 2022, and they carry some of the HIGHEST dividend growth rates on the market.

Marc’s recommendations include…

  • A Southern real estate investment trust yielding a juicy 7.1%
  • A 2.8%-yielding POWERFUL dividend grower in the tech sphere
  • A 3%-yielding online bank that Marc calls “a true bro.”

Join Marc in this week’s State of the Market and discover three dividend payers with breakneck yield growth that are your safest shots at outpacing today’s converging headwinds.

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