
Senior Planet Book Club: The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb

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We are pleased to announce that the next Book Club selection is………

The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb

“Ray McMillian loves playing the violin more than anything, and nothing will stop him from pursuing his dream of becoming a professional musician. Not his mother, who thinks he should get a real job, not the fact that he can’t afford a high-caliber violin, not the racism inherent in the classical music world. And when he makes the startling discovery that his great-grandfather’s fiddle is actually a priceless Stradivarius, his star begins to rise. Then with the international Tchaikovsky Competition—the Olympics of classical music—fast approaching, his prized family heirloom is stolen. Ray is determined to get it back. But now his family and the descendants of the man who once enslaved Ray’s great-grandfather are each claiming that the violin belongs to them. With the odds stacked against him and the pressure mounting, will Ray ever see his beloved violin again?” –

For week one, please read Part 1: The Disappearance (chapters 1 – 5) by Tuesday, February 28th.

Then, either head to the comments below or the Book Lovers Club on SPC to discuss what we read!  Haven’t signed up for SPC yet? Click here to join.

Here is how you can obtain a copy of The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb:

Borrow Online

Most libraries in the U.S. allow patrons to borrow e-books or audiobooks through online systems or applications you can download to your smartphone. OverDrive and Hoopla are two of the most popular services. The Violin Conspiracy is currently available on OverDrive HERE. If you are in New York State, you can apply for a library card online HERE.

Order a Hard Copy

Contact your local bookstore to see if they are shipping books! We highly encourage you to support the independently owned bookstores in your area.


Visit, an online bookstore with a mission to financially support independent bookstores and give back to the book community.


Order on Amazon for $17.00

Read on Your Smartphone, E-Reader or Tablet

Purchase on Kindle: $1.99

Don’t have a Kindle? You can download the Kindle app for free on your smartphone or tablet!


Purchase on Nook: $1.99

Don’t have a Nook? You can download the Nook app for free on your smartphone or tablet!

Having any issues getting the book? Call (888) 713-3495 for assistance!

What do you think of the book selection? Comment below or join the 
“Book Lovers Club” on SPC to start the conversation!

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