Prince Edward Island Shorts – One Last Look
Prince Edward Island. I just finished uploading a series of Prince Edward Island short videos, #shorts, to our Youtube Channel. Doing so led me to think about the island and the incredible landscapes and stories that presented themselves while we explored. For us, it was probably a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, although we’d certainly be open to the idea of a return visit. But, it’s a really (really) long drive, albeit adventurous.
Reminiscing through our photos led me to the idea of taking one last look at some of the spectacular landscapes we experienced while on PEI. Many of them did not make it to our earlier stories written just after returning from our travels.
Taking a Second Look
Between the two of us, while traveling, we take hundreds of photos. Many of them are deleted for various reason, i.e. butt shots, closed eyes, etc., while the majority find their way to the cloud. While writing I pull the photos that fit with my story. By the way, in case you’ve ever wondered… I rarely have a game plan, nor do I write a draft, an outline or take notes before I begin to write a story. I just sit at my laptop and see what unfolds. It’s how I roll.
Anyway, today as I was looking for videos amongst our photos, for our #shorts to upload to Youtube, I came across so many photos that weren’t used in our original stories and I thought, let’s take a second look. Shall we?
The Lunch Spot
As we made our way to Greenwich National Park, we stopped at a roadside cafe for lunch. One thing to remember about PEI is the ruralness of most of the island. Lunch stops can be few and far between while out exploring. While we sat at a picnic table eating our lunch, this was our view. The reflection on the water of the idyllic little cluster of houses, the wildflowers and grasses blowing in the breeze is indicative of PEI life. If you’re a lover of peace and tranquility, you really need to visit PEI.

Flowers, Flowers, Flowers
Wildflowers abound on Prince Edward Island. They are everywhere, in all directions as far as the eye can see. And, some homeowners create gardens that defy the imagination. I don’t think we ever got used to seeing them. It was as if new blossoms were popping up every few minutes, or from one visit to the next we’d see something new. We didn’t take photos of home gardens as it seemed a bit intrusive, but trust me, they’re there. If you’re a flower lover, you really need to visit PEI.

I don’t think I’ll ever again look at a sunset in quite the same way. They’re all beautiful, no doubt, but on the evening we decided to make a point of driving to where we’d have the best view of the sunset, it went down in our travel history as the night of the epic fall.
The sunset was glorious in all shades of orange, red and gold. We were loving it, until… I was so intent on the sunset, I didn’t realize there was a missing stair, on the stairs that lead down to the shore and boulder retaining wall. This, of course, led to the epic fall. I fell flat out forward onto the boulders taking Abi down in my path, which actually kept me from seriously hurting myself. Stunned, bruised and ridiculously battered, I walked away in one piece. Nothing was broken and fortunately, Abi was unscathed.
Lesson learned. When staring at a beautiful sunset, watch your step!

Launched in 2020, The Island Walk is a burgeoning trail reaching out to hikers around the world. At 435 miles (700 kilometers), the trail follows the perimeter of the island and while the infrastructure of the trail is growing, walkers are testing the trails and loving it.
While we’ve always had Prince Edward Island on our radar, the idea of The Island Walk really appealed to us and got us thinking seriously about visiting PEI. Although, in the end we actually didn’t walk the perimeter, but we did our fair share of hiking on a variety of trails. We hiked somewhere every day.

While we were on PEI, I was in the middle of tracking my mileage as part of my personal Hiker’s 365 Challenge, so hiking was definitely the name of the game. Here’s just a sampling of the many trails available to please the hiker’s spirit. If you’re a lover of hiking, you really need to visit PEI.

The Colors of Summer
The colors of summer on PEI are a sight to behold. It seems as if while out exploring, or hiking, or driving a car, or riding a bicycle, at a moments notice one will be gifted with a splash of color that takes one’s breath away. I know photos never seem to quite capture the depth of color, but see what you think of these.

Guiding Lights
PEI has a treasure trove of iconic lighthouses. Some still work guiding ships, while others have been converted to accommodations, or small visitor centers. Whichever purpose they serve, they are classic and beautiful to look at. Although we didn’t see all of the island’s lighthouses, here’s the ones we were lucky enough to come across.

Good Eats
When traveling, we tend it keep it simple when it comes to meals. We’re big fans of the hotel room picnic. On PEI it was no different but boy oh boy did we find some good eats. Our motel room in Summerside (which we highly recommend) came with its own porch/balcony which gave us several pleasant evenings for our room picnics.

Prince Edward Island Shorts
I started this story by telling you about uploading short videos, #shorts, to our Youtube channel and I guess this is a good place to close the book on Prince Edward Island. What a fantastic travel destination. It was a wonderful experience, as was our three days in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll make another trek north.
In the meantime, if you’d like to watch all of those shorts I uploaded, or any of our Prince Edward Island videos, head over to our channel, and please remember to hit that subscribe button. Where else can you watch free movies of beautiful places? All it takes is an email address.
- “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” St. Augustine
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