Retired Americans PAC Releases Ads Warning Seniors About Threats to Social Security if Congressional Republicans Refuse to Raise the Debt Ceiling
May 26, 2023
Retired Americans PAC Releases Ads Warning Seniors About Threats to Social Security if Congressional Republicans Refuse to Raise the Debt Ceiling
This week, Retired Americans PAC, an independent project of the Alliance for Retired Americans, launched a series of digital ads in 10 congressional districts and Washington, DC. The ads warn voters that Social Security checks could be disrupted if Congress doesn’t raise the debt ceiling and urge them to call their Representatives.
Default would be devastating for retirees, who often rely on fixed income and have savings that are subject to the ebbs and flows of economic pressures. The federal government has more than $90 billion in benefit payments, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, set to go out at the beginning of June. If the government cannot send the first round of Social Security checks out at that time, beneficiaries who are 88 years or older will face the largest burden. Low-income beneficiaries will also be especially hard hit. Late payments could create a vicious cycle that leads to more seniors living in poverty and becoming food insecure.
Saundra Cole, President of the Arizona Alliance, told the Associated Press what default could mean for older Americans in her community: “What I’m worried about is food banks and electricity here because you know, we’ve had deaths with seniors because of the heat,” she said.
“Extremist Republicans are threatening to tank the economy to demand devastating cuts to programs seniors rely on,” said Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance. “We cannot allow these partisan games to continue. Please call your member of Congress at 855-254-1564 and urge them to raise the debt limit and oppose cuts to essential services.”
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