Wednesday January 22, 2025
Keys to a Successful Retirement: The 3 Attributes of Financially Solvent Retirees
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- Flexible spending habits
- Considerable savings
- Income from picking up another job
1. Be Flexible With Your Spending
Run Your Own What Ifs…
2. Have Adequate Savings – Save Early and Often and Catch Up if You Are Behind
- One account holds money for prior commitments, including mortgages and other bills.
- A second has savings for intermediate and long-term goals, like buying a car or taking a vacation. This bucket includes retirement accounts, such as 401(k) plans.
- The third is the “in-between” – a 7-14 day cash flow bucket for everyday spending on things like gas, groceries, and recreational activities.
Are You Saving Enough?
3. Working – Retirement Jobs
Other Factors that Contribute to a Secure Retirement Plan
- Almost half (48%) of retirees indicated they have a withdrawal plan, and the median retirement withdrawal among them was 4% of their investable assets within the past year.
- Retirees report living on just 66% of their pre-retirement income on average, which is less than the 70%-80% that some financial planners and investment firms suggest people take into account when planning for retirement.
Take Action Today
This article was originally published by Read the original article here.
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