
Maximize Your Profit Potential With Technical Analysis

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State of the Market video on YouTube

In a November episode of State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld confessed that he hadn’t met his goal of learning Italian during the pandemic.

However, he ended up using that time for something far more useful: studying and passing his third and final Chartered Market Technician exam. (In case you aren’t familiar with the CMT Program, that’s a huge accomplishment – there are only around 5,000 CMTs in the world!)

Six months later, Marc still isn’t fluent in Italian. But all of his studying has clearly paid off.

Since that episode of State of the Market aired, Marc has banked an incredible TEN triple-digit gains in his research service Technical Pattern Profits, including a 301% win in 22 days that he just closed out yesterday morning!

Click the image above to hear more about Marc’s approach to technical analysis.

And to learn about how to get involved with Technical Pattern Profits, click here.

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