
More New York City

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I’ve got this section down to 25 pictures 😁 There are too many interesting places in the city, and the weather was perfect for taking beautiful pictures. Most of the pictures have captions so with any luck, when you click on them, you can see the descriptions.

We bought tickets to two performances. The first was Cabaret on Broadway and it was fabulous. The show had been redone, even including the theater. The stage was in the middle and they wanted the audience to feel like they were in an actual nightclub. But, the show was only part of the whole experience. You came in through the basement storage area like you were sneaking into an actual nightclub. There were cherry liquor shots waiting at the top of the stairs if you wanted one, and stickers were put on your phone to cover the camera. Then you find yourself is a large bar area, which was worth the price of admission right there. There were wandering musicians and dancers on the stage, on the bar, in a corner, and in the audience and what amazing dancers there were! We got to enjoy this for maybe an hour before we went into the theater for the actual performance. Of course that was amazing, like we knew it would be from reading reviews and information on line. One thing that impressed me was the diversity of the performers both in the bar and in the show. There were various colors, sizes, and ages but all were wonderful.

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