
Have Investors Missed the Boat on AI Stocks?

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Watch Dividend Stocks to Buy Now video on YouTube

In July, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld joined YouTube personality Ari Gutman for a wide-ranging interview about his background, dividend investing, his 10-11-12 System, and more. (You can watch that interview right here.)

Recently, Ari invited Marc on for a second interview to focus on his latest observations in the AI and energy spaces.

It’d be impossible to list everything they discussed, so I’ve included a few highlights below. You can click any of the links to jump to that portion of the video, or you can click here to watch the interview from the beginning.

Here’s just some of what Marc and Ari touched on during the interview:

I hope you enjoy the interview. Have a great weekend!

Good investing,


P.S. Director of Trading Anthony Summers will be back with a new edition of The Value Meter next week. If you have any stocks you’d like him to evaluate, drop the tickers in the comments section below!

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