
How to Become a Bear Market Hero

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In this week’s State of the Market, Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld explains how a bear market gives investors the chance to better their family’s financial future.

When shares are down, you can buy more of them, generate more income and – if you’re reinvesting your dividends – compound your wealth faster.

To top it off, you have better chances of nabbing discounted Perpetual Dividend Raisers.

So tune in to this episode to watch as Marc discusses…

  • How to control your emotions during a bear market
  • Why you shouldn’t try to time the market bottom
  • Which stocks to buy today
  • Lessons to impart to your children and grandchildren.

What are you waiting for?

As Marc reminds you today, the market is on sale.

Join Marc in this week’s State of the Market.

Good investing,


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